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Ear to the ground – our top five project management podcasts


According to the BBC, there was a growth of 139% in the number of hours Brits spent listening to podcasts between 2018 and 2023. If you’ve exhausted all the true crime ones you can get your hands on, why not feast on these stellar project management podcasts? We picked out our top five.

Productivity Puzzles

The Productivity Puzzles podcast, hosted by Professor Bart van Ark at the University of Manchester, provides a high-level analysis of issues such as the UK’s persistent productivity gap. Recent episodes include discussion around devolved governance structures and how they affect productivity, as well as how localised R&D investment clusters improve GVA.

APM Podcast

The Association for Project Management’s official APM Podcast is a great insight into UK public infrastructure challenges. Meet project professionals working on cutting-edge projects, academics whose research is at the forefront of project management techniques and explore how crisis managers cope and adapt.

PMO Strategies

Laura Barnard’s PMO Strategies podcast specialises in public-private partnership models. Drawing on 25 years’ experience, including 15 as a PMO leader, Barnard talks sticky situations and tough challenges for PMO leaders. 

Digital Project Manager Podcast

This is the project management podcast for digital nerds. Going since 2017, the Digital Project Manager Podcast now has more than 76k listeners around the world. Recent episodes include how to build impactful rapport with your clients, how to help project teams embrace and ace project presentations and the new purpose of the PMO & why your org still needs one.


Project Management Happy Hour

The Project Management Happy Hour podcast, co-hosted by Kim Essendrup, looks at leadership challenges in project management. Episodes include The Iron Triangle of Getting a PM Job and The Project Behind A Disaster Response.


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