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How to choose the right project methodology

How to choose the right project methodology

Effective project management is crucual for achieving organisational goals. Moreover, choosing the right project methodology can make the difference between success and failure. Project Challenge looks at some of the most popular methodologies and their specific approaches to project management.

Traditional vs modern approaches

The traditional Waterfall method, with its linear and sequential approach, is a staple of project management. However, modern methodologies have emerged to address the need for greater flexibility and adaptability in today’s business.

Popular project methodologies


Born from the software development industry, Agile has become a widely adopted methodology across various sectors. Its core principles include:

  • Rapid response to change
  • Continuous workflow
  • Frequent reassessment and adaptation

Agile breaks projects into small segments, allowing for quick adjustments and efficient delivery of the final product.


Kanban makes use of visual representation to optimise project workflow. Key features include:

  • Use of Kanban boards
  • Visual symbols for task status
  • Frequent check-ins and progress tracking

This method promotes transparency and helps identify areas for improvement throughout the project lifecycle.


Focused on maximising value while minimising waste, Lean methodology employs the 3Ms approach:

  • Muda: Eliminating non-value-adding processes
  • Mura: Balancing workload
  • Muri: Preventing team burnout

Lean aims to deliver projects efficiently with optimal resource utilisation.


Scrum breaks projects into manageable ‘sprints’, allowing for:

  • Focused task completion
  • Continuous analysis and improvement
  • Quick and efficient project delivery

This dynamic approach is particularly popular in fast-paced environments.

Six Sigma

Centred on quality assurance, Six Sigma:

  • Eliminates errors and waste
  • Relies on data analysis
  • Uses DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) or DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify)  frameworks

This methodology ensures consistent, high-quality project outcomes.


PRINCE2 focuses on structured processes and clear delegation. Its key elements include:

  • Detailed pre-project planning
  • Clear guidelines and deadlines
  • Emphasis on processes, tailoring, principles, and themes

This method provides a comprehensive framework for project management.

Choosing the right methodology

Selecting the appropriate project methodology depends on various factors, including:

  • Your project scope and complexity
  • Your team size and structure
  • Industry requirements
  • Organisational culture

Whichever methodology you choose, it must be right for your organisaton based on the factors above, as well as budget and tech infrastructure. 

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